Need to know the name of an EAV table that an attribute is stored in? Get an instance of the model class, $customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer'); then get a reference to its resource object, $entity = $customer->getResource(); and use the eav/config service model’s getCollectionAttribute method to create an instance of [...]
Need to know the name of an EAV table that an attribute is stored in? Get an instance of the model class $customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer'); and then get a reference to its resource object $entity = $customer->getResource(); use the eav/config service model’s getCollectionAttribute method to create an instance of [...]
On Researching When Object Properties Are Set
Welcome Magento Commerce Blog Readers! If you like these little tidbits of information you may be interested in the full length articles I write over on my personal blog. You should also checkout Pulse Storm’s Magento products. There’s Commerce Bug, a Magento debugging extension that demystifies the system for newbies, and [...]
We're in the middle of a series covering the various Magento sub-systems responsible for routing a URL to a particular code entry point. So far we've covered the general front controller architecture and four router objects that ship with the system, as well as
This one is for me, since I seem to forget Magento’s query binding syntax every time I stay away from it fore more than a week. $sql = "select foo from bar where baz = ?"; $query = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read') ->query($sql,array($value)); while($row = $query->fetch()) { var_dump($row); } [...]
Grabbing an Order’s Shipments Includes a terse explanation of my heuristic for figuring out how to find something in Magento.
Magento Version: More modern version of Magento have abandoned the EAV storage method for sales order information. Don’t worry, there’s still plenty of linked tables to trip you up! One of the most common misunderstandings I’ve seen is that there’s two tables that store primary order information. The more [...]
We're in the middle of a series covering the various Magento sub-systems responsible for routing a URL to a particular code entry point. So far we've covered the general front controller architecture and four router objects that ship with the system. Today we'll we
We're in the middle of a series covering the various Magento sub-systems responsible for routing a URL to a particular code entry point. So far we've covered the general front controller architecture and the Standard Magento router object. Today we're covering the three remaining
Sometimes when you’re tracking down a bit of tricky Magento functionality, you need to quickly suss out not only what events have fired, but which observer methods are actually listening for the events that fired on a particular request. There’s no elegant way to doing this with Magento, but if you’re not above a little [...]
Sometimes when you’re tracking down a bit of tricky Magento functionality, you need to quickly suss out not only what events have fired, but which observers methods are actually listening for the events that fired on a particular request. There’s no elegant way to doing this with Magento, but if you’re not above a [...]
Magento “Tweetorials” Vinai Kopp’s new tumblr blog to archive his Magento Tweetorials. Required reading.
Adding Config Values directly to XML files
I hope you're enjoying the Dispatch/Router series we're in the middle of. The last few articles are coming along, and it looks like we'll be able to get through the Admin, Cms, and Default router objects, as well as cover the URL rewriting system
Moving a Block without Recreating It Based on a twitter conversation with VinaiKopp, I discovered you can pass a block’s insert method a string instead of a block object, and it will use the string as a block name to insert. Looks like you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.