Magento Layout XML Quirks on CMS Pages This Magento StackExchange question is a good example of how Magento’s flexible system behavior can be seen as inconsistant by people outside the project. My answer also contains a few good examples of how Commerce Bug can help track these sorts of things down. The Magento StackExchange [...]
Debugging Category 404 Pages How to debug why your category page is returning a 404 error. (Need an invite to the Magento StachExchange private beta? Get in touch.)
Programmatically Undo a Magento Rewrite An answer on the new Magento Stack Exchange site that shows you how to modify the Magento configuration at runtime to conditionally undo a class rewrite. Possibly the worst idea ever. If you need an invite to the Magento StackExchange tell me why you’d be a good addition and I’ll get an [...]
How “before” and “after” Work in Magento Layout XML The Stack Overflow question/answer is a perfect example of the I don’t think that feature does what you think it does problem. These sorts of problems get magnified when a project’s culture doesn’t support transparent, open, respectful [...]
Lets speed things up a bit: Hide the payment methods on specific shipping method in Magento speedupmate: Iām getting lot of questions on how to hide a payment method when specific shipping method is chosen in checkout. While asking this users also point to magento forums where examples are given with extreme template hacking and payment [...]
Dates and time are always messy to work with in programming environments, and coming up with the right set of filters to accurately represent a date range in Magento is no exception. This is “extra” true given the trickiness of creating nested OR queries with Magento’s ORM. Fortunately, someone on the Magento core team [...]
While most of my consulting opportunities come via word of mouth, I still keep half an eye on the various tech job boards. Partly to see what sort of compensation people are offering (everything from $7/hour to $125,000/year), and partially because I grew up in Buffalo during the 80s and have an ingrained fear of any job market bottoming [...]
For developers and themers who spend their day in Magento's layout XML files, finding the name of a particular block can be the difference between taking an early lunch or telling their spouse they won't be home for diner. Fortunately, Commerce Bug takes this
Moving a Block in Magento Ben Marks takes a break from promoting the new Magento Stack Exchange site to explain to move a block in Magento.
Happy New Year! With Magento firmly ensconced in the warm embrace of eBay, and the rest of the retail world gearing up for a fight to redefine its relationship with Amazon, 2013 is going to be an interesting year for Magento. For those of