If you're a long time reader, you're probably aware of my article on Magento's many 404 pages. It's been one of the more useful articles I've written here — I own the Google results for the phrase "Which 404 page" in Magento land.
Configuration Gaslighting Checklist A quick Stack Overflow answer from yours truly that covers what to do when you think Magento’s gaslighting you on configuration values you’re sure you’ve changed.
I needed to grab a few category names when all I had were the category IDs $categories = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCollection() ->addAttributeToSelect('name') ->addFieldToFilter('category_id', array('in'=>$product['category_ids'])); Can you spot the error? PHP complained with the following error Fatal error: Call [...]
In a stock Magento system, there’s several tables where a row will have an ID field of 0. mysql> select * from core_storeG: *************************** 1. row *************************** store_id: 0 code: admin website_id: 0 group_id: 0 name: Admin sort_order: 0 is_active: 1 *************************** 2. row [...]
If you’re new to Magento, you may not realize that every remote API method has a native PHP equivalent. The why, how, and how to identify these models is covered elsewhere, but one thing I forget at my peril is how useful the API methods are when I need to serialize something as JSON or via PHP’s serialize function. [...]
Can’t Log into the Admin Roundup Stack Exchange answer where I (attempt to?) list every possible reason the Magento Admin might not set a session cookie, creating the dreaded “can’t log into the admin” error.
Anti-SQL Bias Developers coming into Magento are often put off by seemingly voodoo rituals like “Don’t directly manipulate the database tables with SQL”. This may be a ritual, but it’s a smart one, and my answer to this questions tells you why. It also includes an example SQL query for fetching all the product [...]
I can’t login to Magento Admin Another misconfiguration that can make it impossible for developers to log into the Magento admin.