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June, 2016 13

Magento 2: Symlinks for Modules

One of the things Magento 2.1 doesn’t bring to the table is the ability to symlink your modules and other components. It’s hard to tell if this is a deliberate omission, or just something that’s not a priority for the development team and keeps getting lost in the shuffle. If you checkout the Context section of this [...]


Taming Magento 2’s Scope

This is another one of those 10,000 foot view posts, as much to get my own head straight about something as anything else. In programming, the term scope usually means If I’ve defined variable X “here”, where else can I access it? Magento’s core team have borrowed the term scope to described Magento’s [...]


Magento 2: PrototypeJS Still Lurks

I was investigating Magento 2’s TinyMCE implementation the other day, and came across this #File: vendor/magento//magento2-base/lib/web/mage/adminhtml/wysiwyg/tiny_mce/setup.js define([ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'tinymce', 'mage/translate', 'prototype', 'mage/adminhtml/events', 'mage/adminhtml/browser' ], function(jQuery, _, tinyMCE) [...]


Magento 2’s Base Javascript Class

Magento 2’s core javascript library ships with a basic implementation of a class based object system, and the uiComponent feature uses these classes and objects extensively. The base class is the Magento_Ui/js/lib/core/class module/object/function, and you create a new instance of the class using javascript build-in new keyword. [...]

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