Magento 2: Approximating Local Code Pool Overrides Not sure if I like the idea of this becoming a common practice, but if you know your composer autoloading you can replace any class in Magento with a version of your own.
In our previous two articles we ran through creating a new UI Component from scratch. While we were successful, we needed to add a class <preference/> (i.e. a rewrite) that disabled Magento 2's XSD validation. While this was useful as a learning
Last time we created (with the help of some <preference/> hackery) the simplest possible Magento 2 UI Component. If you made it all the way through, I bet you were a little disappointed that we left out the javascript. Today we'll try to
Knockoutjs context debugger Chrome extension for peeking at a node’s KnockoutJS context. Useful if you’re doing frontend Magento work and hewing to their view of the world. via Daniel Sloof.
Another javascript debugging snippet for the intrepid Magento 2 javascript programmer. The Magento_Ui/js/core/app RequireJS module/application/program is an important part of Magento 2’s UI Component system. This is the program that registers KnockoutJS views and makes them available for use in the (custom to Magento 2) Knockout.js [...]
Today we're going to YOLO deep dive into Magento 2's UI Components and attempt to create one from scratch. At this stage in Magento 2's lifecycle this isn't something third party developers can do without taking extra ordinary "not production safe" measures, but sometimes
Magento 2: Syncing Backend and Frontend State/Cache Haven’t had time to check this out yet, but this is a far more cogent explaination of Magento 2’s mysterious sections.xml than anything I’ve seen so far.
If you've dug into pestle, my command line PHP framework and Magento code generation tool, you've probably noticed it wasn't super friendly to use pestle based code in your own PHP projects. That changes starting today. Pestle is now a packagist library, which means
When I started work on pestle’s Magento 2 code generation, I deliberately left the the <preference/> feature of Magento’s di.xml files off the list of commands. This was, in short, to help encourage the use of plugins over preferences. i.e. to encourage developers to use the system that allowed multiple extensions to [...]
This one’s more interesting than it is useful (or its main use is as a debugging exercise), but while I was working on a UI Component tutorial I wanted to turn off the XSD validation for ui_component files. It turns out there’s a dedicated object that can control whether the XSD validations are applied [...]
For folks using pestle, my PHP command line frameworking + Magento code generation tool, I’ve just added a selfupdate command. This will make a backup of your current version, grab the latest version, and update your local copy (permissions allowing, of course) $ pestle.phar selfupdate Downloaded to /private/tmp/pestle_DZOXou [...]