This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Sylius for Magento and PHP Developers. Earlier posts include Five First Impressions of the Sylius eCommerce System, Symfony's Service Container, Symfony: Autowiring Services, and A Brief Look at Every Symfony Service Configuration. Later posts include Symfony Routing Configuration Keys, and Basic [...]
If you liked the video from the last quickies post you may also enjoy Asynchrony: Under the Hood, a talk from @codebytere that covers similar territory. The presentation style is a bit more formal, but that suits the density of the information being transmitted. You get the event loop, the microtask queue, and an overview of generators [...]
This JSConf talk describes Javascript’s event loop in greater detail than the average javascript programmer typically needs to worry about. If you want to up your javascript game and understand why code X seems to run faster than code Y, this is a good place to start.
Fearless Security: Memory Safety is a broad overview of some ways the Rust programming language improves on memory management and race conditions in languages like C or C++ without going full handwave/don’t worry your pretty head about that we’ll manage everything for you. As I’ve gotten more real world experience with [...]
While this isn’t a straight up decorator tutorial, it does describe a practical application of the pattern which (unlike most of the decorator pattern documentation I’ve read) is a decent way of getting your head around the who/what/where/when/why of this pattern, particularly if you’re interested in Symfony’s [...]