The pile of one-off command line scripts I’ve written for my current weekend projecting finally reached the critical mass where they needed some organizing, which led me to discover the yargs project. Yargs provides mature argument and option parsing for command line programs (both --foo and -b style options) and features for [...]
Here’s an API design pattern that drives me a little nuts. If you’re using the Apollo GraphQL client to make a data fetching query, your code looks like this. client.query({ query: gql`query { ... your query here ...}` } However, if you’re using the apollo client to make a graphql mutation query, your code looks like [...]
I reviewed the original Magento Ultimate Module Creator almost — six?! — years ago. Its creator, Marius Strajeru, just announced a new project that we’ll call Ultimate Modules Creator for C.R.U.D. This looks like it’s a Magento module (Umc_Crud) that provides a set of base classes and interfaces with a standard, opinionated [...]