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Category: Programming Quickies

Back in they day, I ran a Tumblr blog named Magento Quickies where I’d post shorter, less in-depth posts about my travels through Magento’s source code. This Programming Quickies categories is the successor to that Tumblr blog. You’ll find all the old Magento Quickies content here, as well as new short posts about programming in general.

This section has its own RSS feed, the old Magento Quickies feed should should be redirecting, and we’re cross posting notifications for new posts over to In other words, you shouldn’t need to know any of this, but the duct tape that keeps the internet held together isn’t aging well, so your mileage may vary.

Below you'll find all the Programming Quickies articles on the site, followed by a chronological listing of the same. You may also browse the 7 series directly via the following links. Pestle, Four Steps to Async Iterators, Checking in on OpenMage and Magento in 2020, Text Encoding and Unicode, Shopware's Development Environment, A Sentimental Gen-X Programmer Culls his Tech Books, and, Containers, Containers, Containers.

Composer Path Repositories

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Shopware's Development Environment. Later posts include Shopware's psh.phar Command Line Tool, Shopware: Code that's theirs, Code that's yours, Composer vs. History, and Wrap Up on "Shopware's Development Environment". By default, when you run $ composer require some/package Composer will ask [...]


Javascript Date String Parsing

One of my favorite features of PHP is the strtotime function. This function lets you pass in a date string and have a unix timestamp returned $time = strtotime('2021-04-01'); echo date('c',$time),"\n"; // outputs // 2021-04-01T00:00:00-07:00 What’s great about it is it works with a variety of date formats. $time = [...]


Shopware’s Technology

Some folks in my old Magento cohort have been spending time looking into the venerable open source Shopware ecommerce platform. I remember kicking Shopware’s tires a few years back and found the technology both comprehensive and — boring. Good for Shopware, but not ideal for someone who differentiates on technology. [...]


Email Servers: MTAs, MDAs, and MUAs

An older article from Ars Technia on running your own email server/service. I have a distinct memory of looking into how all this worked back in the late 90s or early 00s (the memory’s distinct, the timeline isn’t) and being stymied by the complexity as some old Times New Roman text and a grey background started talking about [...]


More PHP Unicode Resources

The main reason I stay on Twitter? I have a large enough follower count that useful information still comes at me, but not so large a follower count that it’s an overwhelming sh—tshow. Lists and judicious blocking also help. Two additional useful bits of information came my way on practical steps for dealing with Unicode in [...]


Security Researchers Notice Software Packages Typically don’t Have Canonical Names Across Private Repositories

It looks like security researchers have noticed that open source software package repositories are sort of bad at package name resolution, and that it’s relatively easy to slip a shady package into the public dependency chain when folks are publishing code in the open that references private packages. So that’s me checking [...]


PHP and Unicode

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Text Encoding and Unicode. Earlier posts include Inspecting Bytes with Node.js Buffer Objects, Unicode vs. UTF-8, and When Good Unicode Encoding Goes Bad. This is the most recent post in the series. PHP’s unicode story is — not great. PHP’s strings don’t know anything about [...]


Unicode vs. UTF-8

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Text Encoding and Unicode. Earlier posts include Inspecting Bytes with Node.js Buffer Objects. Later posts include When Good Unicode Encoding Goes Bad, and PHP and Unicode. In my last quick tips post I mentioned examining the bytes of a text file that contained the text Hyvä, and getting back the [...]


How to Fastify

This repository, from the lead maintainer of fastify, crossed my desk recently. It’s a full on example of how you might build a fastify based web service or application. Fastify is a server side web framework for Node.js. Beyond the obvious usefulness of a reference application, this is noteworthy (to me) because these sorts of [...]


Talk Python to Me Podcast

Continuing my twenty year flirtation with maybe I should do a little python — I’ve started listening to the Talk Python with Me podcast, mainly on the strength of two recent episodes. The first is an interview with Simon Willison where he talked about the early days of Django, and then about his more recent invention, [...]


An Open Source Story: CentOS

So here’s one story to tell about the recent announcement that CentOS Stream will become the only CentOS. I’m not deep in these particular communities — most of this is just things I’ve picked up over the years and some light googling. The Story In the beginning — around the year 2000 — an enterprise [...]

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