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Category: Programming Quickies

Back in they day, I ran a Tumblr blog named Magento Quickies where I’d post shorter, less in-depth posts about my travels through Magento’s source code. This Programming Quickies categories is the successor to that Tumblr blog. You’ll find all the old Magento Quickies content here, as well as new short posts about programming in general.

This section has its own RSS feed, the old Magento Quickies feed should should be redirecting, and we’re cross posting notifications for new posts over to In other words, you shouldn’t need to know any of this, but the duct tape that keeps the internet held together isn’t aging well, so your mileage may vary.

Below you'll find all the Programming Quickies articles on the site, followed by a chronological listing of the same. You may also browse the 7 series directly via the following links. Pestle, Four Steps to Async Iterators, Checking in on OpenMage and Magento in 2020, Text Encoding and Unicode, Shopware's Development Environment, A Sentimental Gen-X Programmer Culls his Tech Books, and, Containers, Containers, Containers.

Magento Startup Events

There’s no official Magento “startup” event, but the first “safe” event to listen for in Magento is probably the controller_front_init_before event. I say probably, because there are a few events that fire prior to this one. In a stock installation of Magento 1.7 these events are resource_get_tablename [...]


Javascript Debugging in Magento

Hard to believe I haven’t mentioned this one before, but if you’re going to be doing javascript development in Magento, you’ll want to look in the following file js/varien/js.js and comment out or nullify the following code if (!("console" in window) || !("firebug" in console)) { var names = ["log", "debug", "info", [...]


PHP’s WSDL Caching Files

Although the latest version of Magento offers the ability to control how PHP caches the SOAP server’s WSDL file, and my own Mercury API extension offers similar functionality for older version of Magento, sometimes the WSDL caching can still bite you in the butt. While the above features control the caching at the server level, if [...]


Widget Data and How Hard Can It Be?

Widget Data and How Hard Can It Be? This Stack Overflow question is a nice example of how something that seems simple (querying for and updating a widget instance’s data paramaters) can be harder than you think. Most Magento projects go off the rails because someone assumes something like this is easy, and then modern company [...]


Can’t echo a Child Block?

If you’re having trouble with a call like echo $this->getChildHtml('foo'); returning an empty string, add the following debug code to your template var_dump(array_keys($this->_children)); This will print out all the children of the current block. If you don’t see the block you’re trying to echo above, that means [...]

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