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Category: Programming Quickies

Back in they day, I ran a Tumblr blog named Magento Quickies where I’d post shorter, less in-depth posts about my travels through Magento’s source code. This Programming Quickies categories is the successor to that Tumblr blog. You’ll find all the old Magento Quickies content here, as well as new short posts about programming in general.

This section has its own RSS feed, the old Magento Quickies feed should should be redirecting, and we’re cross posting notifications for new posts over to In other words, you shouldn’t need to know any of this, but the duct tape that keeps the internet held together isn’t aging well, so your mileage may vary.

Below you'll find all the Programming Quickies articles on the site, followed by a chronological listing of the same. You may also browse the 7 series directly via the following links. Pestle, Four Steps to Async Iterators, Checking in on OpenMage and Magento in 2020, Text Encoding and Unicode, Shopware's Development Environment, A Sentimental Gen-X Programmer Culls his Tech Books, and, Containers, Containers, Containers.

Casting Image Helpers

Casting Image Helpers Image helper objects are tricky. Instead of having a “get image url” function, you cast them as a string to get the URL, or more commonly, let PHP cast them in echo statements automatically. However, if you’re not familiar with PHP’s casting rules, it look like the init method returns a [...]


Magento Caches Database Columns

When you’re creating custom Magento models, it’s common to to add and remove fields to and from a database table during development before finalizing a set of columns for the setup resource/migration file. One thing to keep in mind while you’re doing this is that Magento will cache the list of table columns each model [...]


Consistant Config Node Naming

When you first have that ah-ha moment with the Magento System Configuration creator, your first instinct is to start creating a lot of extra configuration values for your features and modules. It’s easy enough to think “hey, I’d like to add another email address to the Store Email Addresses section” There’s [...]


Half FYI for new Commerce Bug users, half shameless plug. This screencast covers the programable access control list features of Commerce Bug. That is, it shows you how you can hide Commerce Bug from certain users (Managers!) and show it to others (Developers!) (Source:


Customer Confirmation

This one’s a little un-intuitive. At first. There are times where you’ll want to programmatically check if a customer is confirmed. To do this you’d instantiate a customer object like this $customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->getCollection() ->addFieldToFilter('entity_id','197') ->getFirstItem(); or [...]


Addresses from the Customer Object

The Magento object for interacting with customers (Mage_Customer_Model_Customer, alias customer/customer) has three address fetching methods, but you probably only want one of them. The first, and least useful, is getAddressCollection. You might think this method would return a Magento Address collection containing address objects [...]


Symlinks with Templates in CE 1.6

Magento Version: 1.6.rc1+ I just downloaded the release candidate for Magento 1.6, and I noticed a change that seemed like a regression, but a little digging made me realize it was something else. A lot of Magento developers (meaning me) like keeping their custom phtml files somewhere other than the the standard add/design/frontend file [...]

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