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Category: Uncategorized

Below you'll find all the Uncategorized articles on the site, followed by a chronological listing of the same. You may also browse the 8 series directly via the following links. Miscellaneous Magento Articles, SugarCRM for PHP MVC Developers, Magento 2: Advanced Javascript, Magento 2 UI Components, Accelerated Mobile Pages, Pestle, Sylius for Magento and PHP Developers, and, Containers, Containers, Containers.

Magento Travis Build Starter

Magento Travis Build Starter Travis is a popular, hosted system for automatically creating test environments for open source projects hosted on a GitHub. The word automatic can be a little misleading though – Travis hooks up to the GitHub API, handles spawning new virtual machines (presumably at AWS/EC2), and has a simple domain [...]


Magento 2 XML Validation Errors

Magento 2 validates most, if not all, of its XML configuration files via a schema document. If you’re dealing with someone else’s code and you need to jump to the source of a schema problems, here’s a debugging snippet. #File: vendor/magento/framework/Config/Dom.php public function validate($schemaFileName, &$errors [...]


Running Magento 2′s Tests.

A quick primer on running Magento 2’s development tests. Most of this is just reworded information from Vinai Kopp guiding me through. If you’re working with the Magento 2 GitHub repository, you can run the project’s unit tests with vendor/bin/phpunit -c dev/tests/unit/phpunit.xml This assumes you’ve copied [...]


Magento 2’s remove Tag

Magento 2’s remove Tag Stack Exchange answer covering where Magento 2’s layout remove=“1” attribute tag is implemented. Short version – the block/container reader/scheduler classes look for it, and then tell the scheduler there’s an item to remove from the layout. Then, when the Generator pool builds [...]



Mage2Katas Screencast demonstrations from Vinai Kopp covering TDD methods in Magento 2. Watching an experienced developer work (the “code katas” approach) can be super useful – it’s one thing to read “you should do X”, but when you watch someone “do X” understanding can rapidly click in.

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