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Category: Uncategorized

Below you'll find all the Uncategorized articles on the site, followed by a chronological listing of the same. You may also browse the 8 series directly via the following links. Miscellaneous Magento Articles, SugarCRM for PHP MVC Developers, Magento 2: Advanced Javascript, Magento 2 UI Components, Accelerated Mobile Pages, Pestle, Sylius for Magento and PHP Developers, and, Containers, Containers, Containers.

Quote Address Creation

Here’s another gotcha to be careful of when using the sales/quote model objects. If you pass the following methods setBillingAddress, setShippingAddress, assignCustomerWithAddressChange an existing quote address object, these methods will reassign the address to the current quote (removing it from the old quote). If you were [...]


Magento 2: Registry Object

In Magento 1, it was possible to register a global variable with the static registry method. Mage::register('some_var', 'some value'); var_dump(Mage::registry('some_var')); Many extensions, include core Magento extensions, ended up using this from controller action methods to pass variables into the views. While its future is uncertain [...]


Magento Patches Finder

Magento Patches Finder Nice and simple web application that will let you say Hey, I’m using THIS version of Magento CE and the application will say back Then here’s the security patches you want It’s a pity that the politics of a company in transition don’t let Varien/Magento Inc./Ebay Enterprises/etc. release [...]


Vagrant Permissions on OS X

If you’re using Vagrant to manage your Magento 2 installations, you’ll want to be careful with file permissions. By default, it appears that Vagrant’s synced folder setup won’t allow the apache/web user to create folders with permissions elevated higher than the default sync share. Dropping in some custom mount [...]

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