Removing an Attribute from an Attribute Set Programmatically I remember the EAV code confusing the heck out of me when I started with Magento — I wonder if it was because of booby traps like this.
OAuth of Fealty Brutal (i.e. honest) assessment of modern software development. But something that’s not antiquated, or shouldn’t be, is providing a service that does what claims, that provides more value than it takes back, and that earnestly cares about the way it gets used, not just about the fact that its use can be [...]
First steps on HHVM HHVM is the Hip Hop Virtual Machine. A few years back Facebook created a compiler that took a subset of the PHP language and turned it into super fast C++ code (that’s a gross over simplification). There are forces at work trying to get Magento up and running on the HHVM, which would eradicate a number of [...]
Alan Storm: Developing Commands for N98-magerun One last n98-magerun article. This one covers how I created the config:search command, and is really a sneaky way of teaching you about test driven development.
Subtitle: Why Magento sometimes makes people crazy. Pop quiz. What does this bit of code do? Hint: It’s used on the catalog search page, and “query” means the text a user entered Mage::helper('catalogsearch')->isMinQueryLength() If you said returns true if the search text is of the minimum query length You’d be [...]
Magento TinyMCE Config A new, small, Magento module (authored by me) that makes adding additional TinyMCE configuration items easy. Built to work around Magento’s stripping of certain HTML5 tag attributes.
Magento Password Reset (vs. sending plaintext password) Email Template No idea why this isn’t the default. (That’s a lie. I have some idea)
Peoplesometimesask Whyidon’t CamelCase Allthewords Inmymagentoclasses
Adding 1.13 Security Fixes to 1.7 CE David Alger has gone above and beyond the call of duty to track down some recent EE/CE disparity and provide security patches for non-enterprise customers.
Test driven development is all the rage in certain PHP circles (while rage inducing code is all the rage in other PHP circles). Today we’re going to cover using the PHPUnit testing tools that ship with n98-magerun, as well as cover some programatic testing basics. Creating a test in n98-magerun is simple. First, make sure [...]
MageSend Magento Email MageSend is a new Magento extension from community mainstay Ashley Schroder that routes all Magento’s emails through Amazon SES. Given how difficult vanilla SMTP deliverability has become this sounds like a no brainer win for any system administrator
OSL 3.0 Explained I am still not your, or anyone’s, lawyer, but this is a great breakdown of the motives and intent of the OSL software license. (tip fo the hat to hakre)
Serializable Fields in Magento Collections The behavior of model objects in a model context vs. a collection context is one of those problems most classic OOP (i.e. Java) style language/frameworks often miss on. Needing to learn the rules of what gets loaded when means more mental overhead is added when you’re coding, and the goal [...]
I’m happy to report n98-magerun have incorporated and improved my old attribute migration generator script into a new dev:setup:script:attribute command. $ n98-magerun list dev:setup:script ... Available commands for the "dev:setup:script" namespace: dev:setup:script:attribute Creates attribute script for a given attribute code If [...]
Throughout this series we’ve skirted around one important issue. Namely, the opaque nature of PHP’s phar format. Many groups claim the term “open source” in someway or another. There’s open source the license, which dictates how and where code can be used and shared. Then there’s open source “you [...]
While my personal domain has, and always will be, powered by a self hosted semi-custom CMS system, part of my job is staying up-to-date on what's happening in the CMS/blog-management world. While I don't take on much CMS work these days, I do interact
I've been writing about Magento for almost four years now. Whenever I've had a bit of code to share, I've dropped it in a single GitHub repository. This is how most of the software companies I've worked at ran things, and how I was
Changing Router Object Order via local.xml Clever bit of configuration from Ben Marks to sneak the CMS Router in before the Admin and Standard routers.
Magento Inc. Decides EE 1.13 is not Ready for Production On one hand it’s good to see a company candidly admit a mistake to its customers. On the other hand this isn’t the first time a version’s been rushed out the door so there’s something to talk about at Magento Imagine. The next year or two is going to be [...]
Product with Empty Name Causes Home Page 404 Check the answer comments for more details. This is/was an EE 1.13 problem.