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Category: Uncategorized

Below you'll find all the Uncategorized articles on the site, followed by a chronological listing of the same. You may also browse the 8 series directly via the following links. Miscellaneous Magento Articles, SugarCRM for PHP MVC Developers, Magento 2: Advanced Javascript, Magento 2 UI Components, Accelerated Mobile Pages, Pestle, Sylius for Magento and PHP Developers, and, Containers, Containers, Containers.

OAuth of Fealty

OAuth of Fealty Brutal (i.e. honest) assessment of modern software development. But something that’s not antiquated, or shouldn’t be, is providing a service that does what claims, that provides more value than it takes back, and that earnestly cares about the way it gets used, not just about the fact that its use can be [...]


First steps on HHVM

First steps on HHVM HHVM is the Hip Hop Virtual Machine. A few years back Facebook created a compiler that took a subset of the PHP language and turned it into super fast C++ code (that’s a gross over simplification). There are forces at work trying to get Magento up and running on the HHVM, which would eradicate a number of [...]


Code as a Second Language

Subtitle: Why Magento sometimes makes people crazy. Pop quiz. What does this bit of code do? Hint: It’s used on the catalog search page, and “query” means the text a user entered Mage::helper('catalogsearch')->isMinQueryLength() If you said returns true if the search text is of the minimum query length You’d be [...]


N98-magerun: Writing Tests

Test driven development is all the rage in certain PHP circles (while rage inducing code is all the rage in other PHP circles). Today we’re going to cover using the PHPUnit testing tools that ship with n98-magerun, as well as cover some programatic testing basics. Creating a test in n98-magerun is simple. First, make sure [...]

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