This article is part of a longer series covering the n98-magerun power tool N98-magerun commands are organized in a tree hierarchy. For example, the extension:list command is actually the list command, under the top level category extension. These categories don’t tie back to any particular Magento system. Instead, they exist to [...]
This article is part of a longer series covering the n98-magerun power tool I’m starting a new series here on Magento Quickies covering the n98-magerun command line tool. This is a nifty utility that automates a lot of the day-to-day drudgery of working with a Magento system, and is a nice compliment to Commerce Bug’s [...]
I’m usually not a fan of the whole “release a ‘free’ white-paper to create a list of sales leads and/or social media buzz”. There’s exceptions to every rule though, and the Nexcess Magento Performance White Paper is one of them. Too often in the Magento Community critical technical information is kept [...]
A Brief Note on Event Observer Order One of those things that seems more like a side effect than explicit design choice.
Caw Caw, The Core, The Core This StackOverflow answer is a good example of why experienced Magento programmers develop a certain sort of ‘tourettes when it comes to core modifications.
Finding where a Magento Event was Dispatched With documentation becoming a thing of the past, these sort of meta programming/reflection tricks are more important than ever.
Updating the Category Editing Page’s content Block This is another one of those “I encounter this problem, then forget about it, then encounter it again” sort of things.
Magento CE Versions on GitHub A GitHub project that collects (some/all) Magento CE versions.
Resource Model Cheat Sheet From the unstoppable Vinai Kopp.
WYSIWYG Text Editing in System Configuration Section Nice tip for Marius on the Magento StackExchange.
Magento’s Native Category API Lots of good information on the catalog/category model in this Stack Overflow question.
In the beginning, we had SQL. Wait, no, scratch that.
Shipping Carrier Not Returned Some tips for debugging a missing custom shipping carrier. Also, a perfect example of why, no matter the system, knowing how to trace and debug code is the most important skill you’ll develop over your career.
While you’re probably familiar with the Magento Connect GUI, Magento CE also ships with a command line program for managing your packages. If you’re a developer, you’ll probably prefer using this tool to install a Connect package, if only because you won’t run into the plethora of permissions problems with web [...]
Magento AWS Treasure Map Great overview of the steps you’d take to get started with Magento on Amazon Web Services from the new public beta Magento StackExchange.
The new Magento StackExchange went public this week, and so far the beta is coming along well. We're a little short on some benchmarks, but with only a few days of public beta those numbers are sure to climb up. The only thing that
Magento Layout XML Quirks on CMS Pages This Magento StackExchange question is a good example of how Magento’s flexible system behavior can be seen as inconsistant by people outside the project. My answer also contains a few good examples of how Commerce Bug can help track these sorts of things down. The Magento StackExchange [...]
Debugging Category 404 Pages How to debug why your category page is returning a 404 error. (Need an invite to the Magento StachExchange private beta? Get in touch.)
Programmatically Undo a Magento Rewrite An answer on the new Magento Stack Exchange site that shows you how to modify the Magento configuration at runtime to conditionally undo a class rewrite. Possibly the worst idea ever. If you need an invite to the Magento StackExchange tell me why you’d be a good addition and I’ll get an [...]