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Category: Uncategorized

Below you'll find all the Uncategorized articles on the site, followed by a chronological listing of the same. You may also browse the 8 series directly via the following links. Miscellaneous Magento Articles, SugarCRM for PHP MVC Developers, Magento 2: Advanced Javascript, Magento 2 UI Components, Accelerated Mobile Pages, Pestle, Sylius for Magento and PHP Developers, and, Containers, Containers, Containers.

Top North American Magento Cities

While most of my consulting opportunities come via word of mouth, I still keep half an eye on the various tech job boards. Partly to see what sort of compensation people are offering (everything from $7/hour to $125,000/year), and partially because I grew up in Buffalo during the 80s and have an ingrained fear of any job market bottoming [...]


Content vs. Commerce

I was listening to the Stack Exchange podcast about Hurricane Sandy, and one of the guest mentioned offhandedly that Square Space hosts around a million and a half websites. That’s backed up by this Business Insider content blurb. For those not familiar with the platform, Square Space offers a custom online CMS for creating and [...]


A Rewrite too Far

A Rewrite too Far An interesting Magento question that shows some of the problems with a super flexible OO system. In summation, a client developer tried to add a simple rewrite which added a type_id product collection filter. However, in a second part of the system, a core team client developer used the filters on the product collection [...]


What is a Magento Area?

What is a Magento Area? This is a Magento 2 presentation so take everything in there with a grain of salt, but this is the first time I’ve heard anyone from Magento Inc. describe what a Magento “area” is. (Or more specifically, what an area was intended to be — it looks like Magento 2 will implement and refine this [...]


Magento Startup Events

There’s no official Magento “startup” event, but the first “safe” event to listen for in Magento is probably the controller_front_init_before event. I say probably, because there are a few events that fire prior to this one. In a stock installation of Magento 1.7 these events are resource_get_tablename [...]

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