Whenever I’m about to tackle a Magento project and/or feature that requires deep knowledge of a new-to-me subsystem, I spend a half-day to a day writing up something like the information below. Sort of an anti-UML, it’s a high level narrative of the relationships between particular objects and systems in Magento. Beyond [...]
So here’s something I didn’t know about until 15 minutes ago. When you’re creating a Layout Update XML block, you can automatically assign a block you’ve created as a child of another block with a parent attribute in your block tag. That means this <block type="foo/bar" parent="block_name_in_layout" ... /> [...]
Short URLs for Magento CE Versions One of those things I wish I’d thought of. bit.ly/mage1610 bit.ly/mage1510 bit.ly/mage1420 bit.ly/mage1411
List of Magento’s Javascript Validation Methods Good sum up of Magento’s Javascript input validation methods.
Magento 2: File Structure Changes No one document could cover ALL the changes in Magento 2, but this one does a good job of pointing out file structure changes, which in turn hint at much of the restructuring going on.
Upgrading via. Magento Connect A terse, but useful, Magento wiki page on using Magento Connect’s command line to upgrade your Magento installation.
Shorter Setup Resource Name for 1.6+ I haven’t had time to test things, but according to this comment it sounds like the resource model rejiggering in CE 1.6+ also brings about shorter setup resource script names.
Crash Course in Magento Models for a Java Developer
Overview of the ./mage CLI Magento Connect Tool
Django Style Routes for Magento In case you you don’t follow my main site (what’s wrong with you?), I whipped up a module that allows you to setup Django style routes in Magento.
Class Aliases Should be Lowercase A painful lesson on why class aliases should always be lowercase.
Fantastic Magento Performance White Paper They’ve got both a random list of server settings and their methodology. More like this please.
The public Magento Wiki is a mess of mixed content, but it’s worth subscribing to the RSS feed of recent changes. The more dedicated members of the community tend to keep their articles up to date on changes to Community Edition, and it can sometimes save you from being blindsided when considering a new version.
Because I always forget this: When creating Magento Connect packages for manual distribution, created via the admin, the correct value for “Channel” is community and not connect.magentocommerce.com/community
You’re cruising along, your module has come together. The last step between you and total Magento Connect domination is packaging your extension. You bravely enter System -> Magento Connect -> Package Extension, and with victory in your grasp … FAILURE! With no clear path forward, you commit seppuku rather than face [...]
On the Subject of Finding the PHP Code that Runs During a Magento API Method Call
Magento Version: Let’s say you have a product object $p = Mage::getProduct('catalog/product')->load(3425); You can get the value of the product’s status with the magic getter method or the getData method. $p->getStatus() $p->getData('status'); However, the return value of this method is not a boolean. The [...]
Checking shipping availability from zipcode in Magento.
Need to know the name of an EAV table that an attribute is stored in? Get an instance of the model class, $customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer'); then get a reference to its resource object, $entity = $customer->getResource(); and use the eav/config service model’s getCollectionAttribute method to create an instance of [...]
Need to know the name of an EAV table that an attribute is stored in? Get an instance of the model class $customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer'); and then get a reference to its resource object $entity = $customer->getResource(); use the eav/config service model’s getCollectionAttribute method to create an instance of [...]