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Category: Uncategorized

Below you'll find all the Uncategorized articles on the site, followed by a chronological listing of the same. You may also browse the 8 series directly via the following links. Miscellaneous Magento Articles, SugarCRM for PHP MVC Developers, Magento 2: Advanced Javascript, Magento 2 UI Components, Accelerated Mobile Pages, Pestle, Sylius for Magento and PHP Developers, and, Containers, Containers, Containers.

Query Bind Syntax

This one is for me, since I seem to forget Magento’s query binding syntax every time I stay away from it fore more than a week. $sql = "select foo from bar where baz = ?"; $query = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_read') ->query($sql,array($value)); while($row = $query->fetch()) { var_dump($row); } [...]


The Orders Table

Magento Version: More modern version of Magento have abandoned the EAV storage method for sales order information. Don’t worry, there’s still plenty of linked tables to trip you up! One of the most common misunderstandings I’ve seen is that there’s two tables that store primary order information. The more [...]


Watching the Watchers

Sometimes when you’re tracking down a bit of tricky Magento functionality, you need to quickly suss out not only what events have fired, but which observer methods are actually listening for the events that fired on a particular request. There’s no elegant way to doing this with Magento, but if you’re not above a little [...]


Watching the Watchers

Sometimes when you’re tracking down a bit of tricky Magento functionality, you need to quickly suss out not only what events have fired, but which observers methods are actually listening for the events that fired on a particular request. There’s no elegant way to doing this with Magento, but if you’re not above a [...]


1.6 resource models in a nutshell 1: Complete rewrite, core resource model class prefixes now seem to be <class-prefix>_Resource 1.6 resource models in a nutshell 2: Fallback to old resource models if rewrite is defined (supported via <deprecatedNode>) 1.6 resource models in a nutshell 3: MySQL specifics removed, new resource [...]

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