Magento Version: I’m not sure when this feature was added. It’s there in and might be in previous version. The phtml template file for your system emails are located in app/locale/en_US/template/email/ However, you don’t want to edit these files. Instead, go to System -> Transactional Emails This UI [...]
Magento Version: 1.4.2 I’ve found that most of my route based 404 problems in Magento can be traced a misnamed controller file and/or class. Adding some debugging to the standard router’s _validateControllerClassName method often point to the problem. In 1.4.2 you can find this file here.
A similar idea, implemented first.
sales_model_service_quote_submit_before, sales_model_service_quote_submit_success, sales_model_service_quote_submit_after. All of these are in Sales/Model/Service/Quote.php in submitOrder() method. Zoran Lazarevski, when asked What event(s) are you using to “do something” after checkout/order-creation, regardless of method?
sales_model_service_quote_submit_before, sales_model_service_quote_submit_success, sales_model_service_quote_submit_after. All of these are in Sales/Model/Service/Quote.php in submitOrder() method. Zoran Lazarevski, when asked What event(s) are you using to “do something” after checkout/order-creation, regardless of method?
I use the event ‘checkout_submit_all_after’. Yes the order has been saved by the time this event is fired. Jason Evans, when asked What event(s) are you using to “do something” after checkout/order-creation, regardless of method?
There is no sure method except sales_order_save_after, but generally I tend to use sales_model_service_quote_submit_after. It covers opc, api and adminhtml (but not multiaddress). sales_convert_quote_address_to_order covers all, but I don’t like it. Vinai Kopp, when asked What event(s) are you using to “do something” [...]
Magento Version: We’d just done a simple product import, and everything in the front end of the cart looked fine. There was one problem. When we browsed to the admin, no images showed up in the Catalog -> Manage Products -> Images. It turns out that the catalog/product object has a few redundancies when it comes to [...]
I'm happy to announce the release of Commerce Bug 1.4. This latest version of Commerce Bug is now available for immediate purchase. The update is completely free-of-charge for existing customers, and may be downloaded using your original purchase link.
Two quick site announcements.
This article was inspired by a recent StackOverflow thread.
Just a quick note that Commerce Bug, my must have Magento debugging extension, may now be purchased via PayPal. Commerce Bug won't help you chat up attractive folks in bars, but it will save you hours of useless glopping through the Magento source code
If you following my grumblings on twitter you know I've been putting off learning a distributed version control system for a while now because CHANGE BAD, SAME GOOD. Well, the future has managed to pull me outside kicking and screaming, and I've released a
As much as possible I try to stay away from opinions here, if only because this is my public face and people don't hire me for my opinions, they hire me to solve problems with computers.
While America threw on its eating pants and combed the Thursday circulars for deals, John Gruber spent Thanksgiving preparing to unveil his regular expression for finding URLs in arbitrary text.
There's a long held bit of conventional wisdom that says you don't want to parse HTML with regular expressions. While it's a great way to learn regular expressions, it's trivially easy to write something that's only going to work correctly on a subset of
I've been fiddling with this design in my off-hours, and while I've never been 100% happy with it I was sick of dealing with a few of the limitation the old design presented. For example, implementing your own CSS Drop Shadows were all the
This was surprisingly tricky to figure out, although that points more to the smoothness of setting up an application when it's living in the site root. Sorry for the brevity here, this one is here mainly for my own reference but as it may
I snarkily posted something to Twitter about a bit of UI weirdness I saw over at the site. The various call-out boxes had/have gained the ability to fold up or down when you double click them, which interfered with my "randomly click
I've been having headphone/hands-free problems with my first generation (5th day they were available) iPhone. Specifically, people couldn't hear me through the microphone and I couldn't use the clicker to skip through songs. I bought a new pair of headphones and everything appeared to