Category: Uncategorized
Below you'll find all the Uncategorized articles on the site, followed by a chronological listing of the same. You may also browse the 8 series directly via the following links. Miscellaneous Magento Articles, SugarCRM for PHP MVC Developers, Magento 2: Advanced Javascript, Magento 2 UI Components, Accelerated Mobile Pages, Pestle, Sylius for Magento and PHP Developers, and, Containers, Containers, Containers.
Moveable Type
When I saw that Moveable Type had released a Beta for version 4, and that they were going open source GPL style I thought about giving it another go.
astormQuick Reg. Exp. for Cleaning Up Text Files
Often, when dealing with text files in my day-to-day duties, I'll end up with large gaps of newlines and white space that I want to zap. Something line
astormWhy Working in IT/Software so Often Sucks
I was reading an article somewhere (can't find it now) about Steve Wozniak and his work on the Apple II's original disk drive. The basic gist of the article was, up until then, disk drives were hugely expensive because everything had to be done
astormRecursive FUD
F.U.D. is an acronym for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, which is a phrase popularized by the Linux community to describe Microsoft's original approach to discrediting Linux and other open source projects. Wikipedia has you covered if you need more information.
astormOpen In New Window
BBEdit's command line utility has a "open together in a new window" switch.
astormNice Use of the AJAX
MacRumors has a live ticker of the WWDC Keynote going that makes a nice use of AJAX.
astormWhy an Apple Phone Would Suck, Leading Me to Believe it will Never Happen
Suck, in this context, being defined as poor user experience. When you're using a mobile, there are four things that can drive you up the wall.
astormPrinting Google Maps
A short while ago, Google rolled out some minor, but significant changes to it's Maps product.
astorm21st Century Bust
At some point in the near future, the YouTube investors are going to cash out, selling their little phenomenon to the highest bidder and setting into motion the steps that will lead to the next big tech bust.
astormThe Cost of Black
In a move that can only be described as both genius and evil, Apple computer has
astormCut Copy Paste
The latest Daring Fireball got me thinking about the history of cut/copy/paste. Specifically, Gruber talks about the mnemonics and keyboard placement of the X/C/V shortcuts.
astormDead Simple Command Line XSLT Processor with PHP 5
Update: A few people have pointed out that OS X now has, by default, a command line XSLT processor. PHP is my hammer, the world is my nail.
astormOS X 10.4 and Transmit 2
After updating my mac to 10.4, I was having a problem with Transmit only allowing me a single FTP site as a favorite. Any attempt to add additional favorites would silently fail.