Secrets of Design
Skip design school kids, Cameron Moll has just let the secret out of the bag.
astormBelow you'll find all the Uncategorized articles on the site, followed by a chronological listing of the same. You may also browse the 8 series directly via the following links. Miscellaneous Magento Articles, SugarCRM for PHP MVC Developers, Magento 2: Advanced Javascript, Magento 2 UI Components, Accelerated Mobile Pages, Pestle, Sylius for Magento and PHP Developers, and, Containers, Containers, Containers.
Skip design school kids, Cameron Moll has just let the secret out of the bag.
astormThere's been a brief lull in work for the past few days, so with that last invoice sent out I finally got a chance to upgarde my primary workstation to OS X 10.4.
astormAnytime I need to do any server side manipulation of images I start off thinking "OK, let's just use GD. It's built into PHP and I won't have to muck about with perl, or worse, with PerlMagick.
astormThe MIT media lab released some prototype photographs of their "$100 Laptop". If you're not familiar with the project, the BBC has you covered.
astormThings were getting a little stale and I never was happy with the old design, so I dug up an old rejected comp and here we are. Because I'm clever and smart all I had to do was flip a few switches and everything
astormTwo ancient (in internet time) resources for web developers recently relaunched, both after long hiatuses. A List Apart and Evolt.
astormI get economy of scale, supply/demand and all that jazz, but I still think it’s pretty asinine when Apple’s older, original AirPort cards are more expensive (almost by half if you’re paying full price) than the new AirPort Extreme cards.
astormFeeling as though it’s been some time since you posted, and with a desire to archive some useful text you always manage to loose on your hard drive, you decide to provide five MySQL ALTER statements that allow you to quickly add common
astormAfter years in this industry I still have to go through a two second mental calculation whenever I see something like
astormThis is a response I sent on the WebDesign-L mailing list in repsonse to a question about email form security. I reposting it here since, you know, “The Busy”.
astormIf you’ve been out of the Windows game for a few years and find yourself forced back into it, don’t use
astormIf I don’t say something about the Apple/Mac/Intel announcement they’ll take my Mac card away, so here are some random thoughts.
astormI recently rediscovered Virtual PC for OS X and have spent the past few days setting up several different development environments. Here’s a few tips if you’re that way inclined
astormUsing the Windows “command line” (DOS, or in XP “not DOS”), you can get a nicely formated printout of your Network configuration by typing the following command.
astormA new PHP tool for those discriminating BBEdit users out there.
astormIn addition to fixing the links in the RSS feed yesterday, I also went back and properly capitalized all my titles. Unlike, say, the New York Times or AP I don’t have a house style, but consistency is important.
astormIf there’s a bash Microsoft party I’ll be there with bells on, but that won’t stop me from loving Excel. This, of course, is less to do with Excel and more to do with the concept of computer spread sheets, but