For reasons that are way too complicated to get into on Magento Quickies, while Magento 2 still has the concept of a developer mode, there’s no longer a Mage::setIsDeveloperMode
method. If you’d been lazily (like me. cough) editing index.php
to switch your site into developer mode, that won’t work anymore. Your only choice is to set a web server environmental variable.
For all the proper grown up, lazy crufy, people using apache, this means adding the following line to .htaccess
SetEnv MAGE_MODE developer
Magento 1 developers will notice the environmental variable is now MAGE_MODE
location ~ .php$ {
## Magento 2 Developer mode
fastcgi_param MAGE_MODE "developer";
will make your nginx web-servers happy. Being a frozen caveman developer, I’ll leave testing that up to you.