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Below you'll find all the Laravel Application Container and Magic Methods articles on the site.

Laravel Application Container and Magic Methods

  1. Laravel Objects
  2. PHP ArrayAccess
  3. Binding Objects as Laravel Services
  4. PHP Magic Methods and Class Aliases
  5. Unraveling Laravel Facades
  6. Laravel Facade Troubleshooting
  7. PHP Traits
  8. Laravel's MacroableTrait
  9. Laravel Service Manager Indirection
  10. Eloquent ORM Static Meta-Programming

Laravel Objects

Laravel is already a well documented system. The quick-start guide guide has all the information a developer needs to start building applications with Laravel. What's less well documented, and more interesting to me, is documentation of Laravel's implementation. The PHP community has a pretty


Laravel Facade Troubleshooting

Last time we described the PHP patterns used to implement Laravel's facade feature, and started to describe some of the "gotchas" involved. We briefly discussed how a facade introduces a second type of singleton/shared service into the system, as well as the inherent problem


PHP Traits

It's another quick primer this time. Today we're going to talk about a PHP 5.4+ feature called traits. While Laravel doesn't make heavy use of traits they are sprinkled around the core codebase, so you'll want to get familiar with them.

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