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Magento 2: Admin Menu Items

In the first article of this series, we described how to create a simple MVC/MVVM endpoint in Magento 2. Implicit, but unstated, was that we were setting up an endpoint for Magento's frontend cart application. While the backend admin application uses the same MVC/MVVM/View


Emulating Areas in Magento 2

One last bit on the area setting object in Magento 2. There were times in Magento 1 where it was necessary to temporarily pretend you were running code in one area, even though you were in another. One famous example of this was using Magento’s catalog/product objects to directly save product information while on the frontend. In [...]



nexcess/magento-alarmbell Meanwhile, back in the real world, away from the bleeding edge of Magento 2, Nexcess has just released a simple-but-useful open-source extension that will log and notify users when there have been been admin user changes made to their Magento system. I’m not responsible for maintaining any active Magento 1 [...]

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