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Category: Uncategorized

Below you'll find all the Uncategorized articles on the site, followed by a chronological listing of the same. You may also browse the 8 series directly via the following links. Miscellaneous Magento Articles, SugarCRM for PHP MVC Developers, Magento 2: Advanced Javascript, Magento 2 UI Components, Accelerated Mobile Pages, Pestle, Sylius for Magento and PHP Developers, and, Containers, Containers, Containers.

Magento 1.13 and MySQL Triggers

Magento 1.13 and MySQL Triggers I know “no more consulting” was a great business move for Varient/Magento Inc./etc., but the folks building Magento’s core are slowly loosing touch with the day-to-day needs of working developers. I’m glad there’s folks like Robert willing to suffer the slings and arrows of [...]


Magento Connect Bookmarklet

Stop me if this sounds familiar. Hey look, a Magento Connect extension, let’s try it out Oh, right, I need to be logged in to get the extension key Where’s that password again? [knocks over pills] Waiting for Magento site to log me in [Still waiting] There are, of course (I assume), reasons for Magento to force a sign-in [...]


Magento CSRF Protection

Maybe if I write this down I’ll remember it. You probably know all Magento admin console URLs need a nonce/key in the URL That’s why we use the Mage::getModel('adminhtml/url') model object to generate URLs. What I always forget [...]


N98-magerun: Creating Hello World

This article is part of a longer series covering the n98-magerun power tool Now that we’ve got a build environment up and running, we can get to work creating our first n98-magerun command. Our end goal for today is to add a helloworld command to n98-magrun $ ./n98-magerun.phar list //... Available commands: helloworld Displays a [...]



Vinai/fix-sample-data.php And Vinai’s fix for the duplicate URL problem partially/previously mentioned below. I try not to be hypercritical of Magento Inc./eBay because I know how hard these things are, but it really sounds like they pushed EE 1.13 out the door to have a Magento Imagine announcement. Fortunately the partner firms [...]


N98-magerun: Database Commands

This article is part of a longer series covering the n98-magerun power tool The database: That which, as Magento programmers, we’re not supposed to touch. Use the native objects is a refrain I’ve sung on more than one occasion, and it’s still what I recommend to people starting out with Magento. Of course, even if we [...]


N98-magerun: System Commands

This article is part of a longer series covering the n98-magerun power tool Today we’ll be covering the n98-magerun system (or sys) commands. $ n98-magerun.phar list sys sys:check Checks Magento System sys:cron:history Lists last executed jobs sys:cron:list Lists all cronjobs sys:cron:run Runs a cronjob by job code sys:info Prints [...]


N98-magerun: Customer Commands

This article is part of a longer series covering the n98-magerun power tool Similar to the already covered admin commands, n98-magerun also has commands for managing customer accounts. $ n98-magerun.phar list customer Available commands for the "customer" namespace: customer:change-password Changes the password of a customer. [...]


N98-Magerun: Config Commands

This article is part of a longer series covering the n98-magerun power tool Magento is a module based system — each code module has a file named config.xml which contains configuration information related to the module. Magento will merge all the config.xml files into a single global configuration tree. This tree is then available for [...]

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