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Magento Connect Role Directories


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This entry is part 11 of 43 in the series Miscellaneous Magento Articles. Earlier posts include Magento Front Controller, Reinstalling Magento Modules, Clearing the Magento Cache, Magento's Class Instantiation Abstraction and Autoload, Magento Development Environment, Logging Magento's Controller Dispatch, Magento Configuration Lint, Slides from Magento Developer's Paradise, Generated Magento Model Code, and Magento Knowledge Base. Later posts include Magento Base Directories, PHP Error Handling and Magento Developer Mode, Magento Compiler Mode, Magento: Standard OOP Still Applies, Magento: Debugging with Varien Object, Generating Google Sitemaps in Magento, IE9 fix for Magento, Magento's Many 404 Pages, Magento Quickies, Commerce Bug in Magento CE 1.6, Welcome to Magento: Pre-Innovate, Magento's Global Variable Design Patterns, Magento 2: Factory Pattern and Class Rewrites, Magento Block Lifecycle Methods, Goodnight and Goodluck, Magento Attribute Migration Generator, Fixing Magento Flat Collections with Chaos, Pulse Storm Launcher in Magento Connect, StackExchange and the Year of the Site Builder, Scaling Magento at Copious, Incremental Migration Scripts in Magento, A Better Magento 404 Page, Anatomy of the Magento PHP 5.4 Patch, Validating a Magento Connect Extension, Magento Cross Area Sessions, Review of Grokking Magento, Imagine 2014: Magento 1.9 Infinite Theme Fallback, Magento Ultimate Module Creator Review, Magento Imagine 2014: Parent/Child Themes, Early Magento Session Instantiation is Harmful, Using Squid for Local Hostnames on iPads, and Magento, Varnish, and Turpentine.

This is less a full fledged article this time, and more “something I always forget and can never find anywhere else, so I’m posting it here to help future me”.

When you’re packaging up a Magento Extension for distribution through Magento Connect

System -> Magento Connect -> Package Extensions

You need to create a list of Roles and Path pairs

The first time you do this, it’s not entirely obvious what a Role or a Path is. If you expand the Role drop-down, you get a list of different file types.

A Role defines (and labels) a certain sub-directory in your Magento install. The following Role/file-path pairs were valid for Magento 1.4.1.

A Path defines a file path, from the base of the Role, to include in your packaged module.

Whenever I go to create a new Connect package, I always have to glop through the code to figure out which sub-directory a Role corresponds to. The last tie this happened I hacked together the following script to grab and display that information.

File: roles.php (in the root magento directory)

* Jumps into PEAR files to figure out what paths the connect roles belong to
* worked on the 1.4.1 release, and I almost guarantee it'll break in a future
* release.  
function main()
    $paths  = get_key_path_pairs();
    $labels     = get_labels();
    render_labels_paths($paths, $labels);

function render_labels_paths($paths, $labels)
    foreach($labels as $key=>$value)
        echo $labels[$key] . 
        "\t:\t" .
        $paths[$key] .

function load_roles()
    $inner = '';        
    foreach(glob('downloader/pearlib/php/PEAR/Installer/Role/*.xml') as $file)
        $inner .= file_get_contents($file);    
    $xml = '<roles>'.$inner.'</roles>';
    return simplexml_load_string($xml);    

function get_key_path_pairs()
    $pairs = array();
    foreach(load_roles() as $role)
        $location_config = (string) $role->locationconfig;            
        if($role->config_vars->{$location_config}->type && 
        $role->config_vars->{$location_config}->type == 'directory')
            $path = (string) $role->config_vars->{$location_config}->default;
            $pairs[$location_config] = $path;
    return $pairs;    

function get_pair_roles()
    $fake         = null;
    $command     = new PEAR_Command_Mage($fake,$fake);
    return $command->getRoles();

function get_labels()
    $labels = array();
    foreach(get_pair_roles() as $option=>$info)
        if(array_key_exists('name', $info))
            $labels[$info['dir_config']] = $info['name'];
    return $labels;

Originally published September 28, 2010
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Originally Posted: 28th September 2010