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Frustrated by Magento? Then you’ll love Commerce Bug, the must have debugging extension for anyone using Magento. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro, Commerce Bug will save you and your team hours everyday. Grab a copy and start working with Magento instead of against it.

Updated for Magento 2! No Frills Magento Layout is the only Magento front end book you'll ever need. Get your copy today!

Two big announcements. The first, which you already know if you’ve been paying attention, is I’ll be speaking at the Magento Developers Paradise conference in (!) less than a week. In addition to my first conference speaking gig, this will be my first trip to Europe, which is equal parts nerves and excitement.

Commerce Bug

The second announcement is the availability of Commerce Bug, a developer’s debugging tool and my first commercial Magento extension.

Direct Screencast Link

One of my goals this year was to dip my toe into what The Kids™ call passive income, (but what people over 30 call a business plan). My original goal was to write a few Magento articles, and then expand those into a self-published book. Over time this morphed into plans for an extension which, with some hard work and a little luck, will have longevity throughout the life of the Magento Platform and not (as most technical references do) become obsolete in a year and a half.

I’m not much for begging, but if you’ve found my Magento articles at all useful consider purchasing a Commerce Bug license. Beyond helping me out, Commerce Bug will save you hours a day when you’re working on Magento projects. Getting in early is also a great way to jump to the head of the customer feedback line.

Payment is limited to Google Checkout at this time. If you run into any problem with your order scream and yell at me and I’ll take care of you right away. This is my first self-run store so there are bound to be small hiccups along the way, but know that you will be taken care of.

Originally published April 11, 2010
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Originally Posted: 11th April 2010

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